Use These 5 Tips To Get Ready For The Holiday

Here we are at the end of October. The holiday season is closer than we think and always seems to sneak up on us if we aren’t prepared. So let’s get prepped now before it’s mid-November, and we are scrambling to make the holidays happen.
First and foremost, take a deep breath! If you feel overwhelmed by thinking about the holidays early, take comfort in the fact that by preparing for the holiday season now, you will be way ahead of the game and much more present for the fun parts of the holidays when they arrive.
Here are our best tips to get ready for the holiday. You can download our free Holiday Planner, which has checklists and organizing pages to make this prep super simple right here.
1. Make a Gift List and Set a Budget
Make a list of everyone you will buying gifts for this season. Our planner has different pages for different ways of organizing your gift ideas. Here are some ways you can make and organize a list of gift ideas:
- List the recipient, the gift idea, and then what you ended up buying
- List the recipient, the amount you expect to spend, an idea for the gift, and the final gift
- List each recipient and then break down ideas into categories, such as something you want, something you need, something to wear, and something to read. Finish by listing the ideas for each category and what you bought.
If you are making any gifts, make a list of what you are making, who you are making this for, the supplies you need, how much you need to spend, and when you need to start and finish the projects.
Set a budget for overall gift spending and break it down per person. When you are creating a gift spending budget, you will also want to make a budget for parties and dinners.
Food, drinks, and party needs can add up and dent your budget if you don’t plan for them.
2. Make a Christmas Card List
List all the friends, family, and coworkers you want to send cards to. You’ll also want to start keeping gathering the addresses of those you are sending cards.
You can also keep track of the cards you receive and add these people to your correspondence list.
If you are using photo cards, take your photo as soon as possible. This way, you will have your photo ready when it is time to order your cards.
3. Start Shopping Early
Start picking up things like stocking stuffers and hostess gifts now.
It’s also a good idea to grab wrapping paper and cards now so you aren’t looking for them at the last minute.
You can also wrap gifts as you buy them unless you prefer the holiday spirit in full swing when you wrap gifts and like to wait until closer to the holiday and do a marathon wrapping session.
4. Start Planning Your Menus
You can start by looking at the meals you will need to plan.
Gather together your favorite recipes and keep them all on the recipe page. Choose your favorite appetizers, main courses, side dishes, and desserts and add them to each meal planning sheet.
Having this part of your Christmas planning finished will save you so much time when it comes time to cook!
If you make cookies or treats for the holiday to share or to have in your home for your family and guests, you can make a list of what you plan to bake and keep track of that as well.
Having the items you need to bake these will make it easy for you to bake ahead when a recipe allows for that when you have time.
The party timeline page in the Christmas Planner is super helpful for mapping out what you will do and when on the day of your party. Being able to see your whole day of a party on paper makes preparation so much less overwhelming.
This is also a good way to be able to see which tasks can be delegated to anyone who is helping you.
5. Keep Track Of What You Loved This Season
The Christmas planner gives you a place to keep track of all the things that made your holiday special.
You can take note of traditions- old and new, food, movies, music, decorations, treats, and outings.
Keeping track of your favorite holiday moments and memories is a great way to create a reference for next year so you can see what you want to do again.

With these five holiday organizing tips, you will have smooth sailing toward the holidays.
Remember to download the planner and get all the checklists to organize and plan everything we discussed here, as well as a holiday prep master to-do list, recipe, menu, and party planning pages.
Want more ideas to get ready for the holidays? Check out our favorite holiday posts below, and have a great season!
HOLIDAY Planners
Christmas Planner
Say goodbye to the days of frazzled nerves and hello to a confident, beautifully orchestrated holiday event that perfectly reflects your love for family and friends. Get ready to dive into a stress-free, delightful celebration, leaving your loved ones in awe.
More Holiday Ideas
Tips and ideas to help you prepare and enjoy this special season with your friends and family.