Decluttering And Organizing The Garage
Today, we have a big task: the garage. Depending on how long you have lived in your home, you may have varying degrees of “stuff” in this area.
This task may seem overwhelming, but you have made it this far and can do it!
If necessary, you can split the task of cleaning the garage into two days—a weekend would be perfect for this project. Focusing on decluttering and discarding as much as possible will help you keep this space neat and organized for a much longer time. Remember: the less you have, the less you have to work for it. (I love my free time for fun things, and that does not include organizing!)
Once you have the space decluttered and organized, you will be amazed at how much easier it is to find the things you need when you need them.
Let’s jump right in!

How To Declutter And Organize The Garage
- Take everything out of your garage and put it in your driveway so you can sort it.
- Start by categorizing everything: holiday items, lawn and garden care, outdoor furniture, tools, and whatever else you have in there.
- Now, clean out the interior of your garage. Thoroughly clean everything in there before you proceed to the next step. Now is also a good time to make your floors look top-notch with an epoxy treatment. Most home improvement stores sell epoxy treatments for a reasonable price.
- Next, get into each pile and category you have created. As always, make your piles of toss, donate, and sell.
- Assess your existing storage. Now, look at what you have left to store. If you need more or alternative storage methods, list items to purchase.
- With your space thoroughly cleaned, your things decluttered and organized, and your storage updated, go ahead and start placing everything back where you want it to be.
Organizing Planners
Decluttering & Cleaning Planner
Kick overwhelm to the curb with all checklists and forms to organize your home from top to bottom and the cleaning printables to plan a cleaning routine unique to your family’s needs and schedules.