Organizing Morning Routines
It’s a new week and a great time for checking how our organizing morning routines are going.
One of my most important daily home organizing routines, for an enjoyable morning, happens the “night before”.
This is the time of the day, right after dinner, while the boys are in the shower when I organize the kitchen and get things done, so when I wake up for a new day, things are all lined up, and I’m a happy camper!
So here are my simple organizing tips on making your mornings easier and, who knows, stress-free. (hey, with kids & work to juggle, we might as well smile, right?)

Simple steps for a morning routine:
1. Clean up the sink and counter
Get everything in the dishwasher, ready to go. If you wash your dishes, five minutes of drying and putting them away will give you a clean countertop and a smile of satisfaction the next morning. I guarantee!
Wipe your counters with your favorite spray. I use Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day, and I love all the scents of this line. A clean, clutter-free kitchen counter is a halfway-organized kitchen!
2. Quick Pick-ups
Use a pick-up vacuum to clean the floors and mop it every 2 days – or as needed.
This will help you keep the entire house clean.
The main entrance of your house and your kitchen are the areas that bring most of make your floor dirty: dust and crumbs. So keeping these areas always clean and having the tools to help you in this job is essential!
3. Set the Table For Breakfast
In my case, spoons, bowls, and containers with cereal, and I’m set. The boys are big helpers and love to wake up – usually before I do, and just grab the milk to enjoy their breakfast.
Set your coffee maker with a filter, coffee, and water, and when you wake up, it’ll be ready and waiting for you. Even before having a programmable coffee maker, I used to have it ready, and on the push of a button, I had my coffee.
4. Get The Lunches Ready
Do you prepare school lunches? I do, and we know how hectic it can get in the morning, so make sure the kids bring the lunch boxes after school to the kitchen.
Go ahead and prepare everything you can do ahead of time, like sandwiches, snacks, and boxed drinks and get it organized and out of the way.
Keep the refrigerated items in the fridge, but all together and ready to go. If I send cheese sticks, ketchup, or hot dog, then I place it all together in a small box in the fridge.
5. Are You All Packed?
Lastly, make sure the backpacks are ready with homework and signed papers and that jackets, hats, and shoes are also in place and ready to go.
All this takes me 30 minutes to get done, and I can tell you, it’s all worth it!
What are the perks of a morning routine?
We get to enjoy our morning coffee or whatever our morning ritual is without rushing, without stressing ourselves and everyone around us.
We get to enjoy our kids and are able to focus on the good things, how sweet and yummy they are, instead of being in a battle with them.
Do you have a morning routine? What are your biggest hurdles? Leave your comments in the comment section below!
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