If you are heading to college after summer, first my congratulations! A very exciting time is about to begin for you and I still remember my first days in College as a Law student! It was a mixed feeling of “I can do it all” and “where should I start”, but with time, guidance and dedication all falls into place.
In my culture we don’t leave home early, being quite common to live with our parent until we marry. So, I didn’t have to worry about creating a whole new infrastructure of self-care, comfort, and safety when I started my university years. In the US and Europe however, it’s quite different and you’ll need many items that you took for granted at your parents home. To help you, I posted a very handy list to give you the upper hand when you’re off to college and shopping for your new room!
Here are 5 great posts to help you with your college moving time!
- College Dorm Checklist
- Organizing Cords
- Organizing Closet
- Moving Tips
- Linen & Laundry
- Organized for College
- College packing checklist – a free download
Get organized for college and enjoy a wonderful school year!