Home Safety Tips For a Worry Free Vacation

Before you go on vacation, it’s important to take steps for your home safety while you’re out of town.

When a home is left empty for an extended period of time, the darkened windows and accumulating mail can advertise your absence to those who would like to damage or rob you and your home.


Find a Sitter, a Home Sitter

If you’re able to do so, keep your house occupied and secured throughout your vacation by hiring a house sitter. Or have a friend whom you trust stay at your house.

As an added bonus, your house sitter can take care of your pets while you’re away.

Be sure the person watching your home knows how to work your alarm system and knows where emergency phone numbers can be easily accessed.



Caring For Pets & Plants

Plants are just as important as pets while away on vacation.

Ensure someone will stop by to water your plants regularly. If you’re unable to have someone stay at your house, have a neighbor check on your house or apartment while you’re out of town.

If they turn on the lights and TV, grab the mail and newspapers, and open some curtains.

The small changes will give the appearance that someone is home.



At the very least, be sure to leave your lights and TV on an automatic timer.

Have the lights come on during the times of the day that you’re usually home. Your home will appear lived in and no one will be the wiser.

If you don’t plan to have anyone stay over or stop by your home while you’re on vacation, call USPS and stop your mail service temporarily.



Bills, Letters, Catalogs

Nothing announces an unoccupied home more than overflowing mail.

Do the same for any newspapers or magazines you receive regularly. If you expect to have a package delivered while you’re away, call ahead to the mail carrier and ask them to hold it at their facility.

How do you prepare for vacation? What are your favorite home safety tips?

Find here a packing checklist with all you need for a great trip! Want the entire set of printables in one simple download? Get it here!


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