Helena Alkhas – Your Home Organization Expert
Hello and Welcome!
Hi, I’m Helena, and I love to declutter and organize homes, turning them into beautiful, functional spaces you love.
I’m a mother of twins + 1 and a Navy wife. Since 2001, I have moved and traveled with my family around the globe and back several times.
All that packing and unpacking taught me to simplify, live clutter-free, and be intentional about every decision. The distance from my loved ones taught me to focus on what matters and enjoy our time together.
I started organizing professionally when a fellow mom from my kids’ kindergarten, on the verge of a family crisis due to her clutter, asked me for help.
I soon realized that my skills—acquired both personally and professionally—were positively impacting her personal life.
So, in 2010, I decided to start organizing professionally and founded A Personal Organizer offering home organizing services to busy mothers overwhelmed by packed calendars, cluttered homes, helping them make life simpler.
I have been their secret weapon, allowing them to enjoy their homes, focus on their work, and build a home life they love.
If you want to simplify life and have the time and peace of mind to enjoy your home, family, and friends, click here and complete the form.
Yes, life can be simpler.
NAPO stands for National Association for Productivity & Organizing Professionals.
I am a NAPO instructor and trainer for new professional organizers, and I hold the NAPO Specialist Certificates in Residential Organizing, Workplace Productivity, and Life-Transitions.
I completed the Coaching Essentials training through The Coach Approach for Organizers.
I hold the following Certificates from the ICD – Institute for Challenging Disorganization:
– Chronic Disorganization Specialist Certificate
– Certificate of Study in Chronic Disorganization
– Certificate of Study in Basic ADD Issues with the Chronic Disorganized Client
– Certificate of Study in Basic Hoarding Issues with the Chronic Disorganized Client
– Certificate of Study in Chronic Disorganized Client Administration
– Certificate of Study in Learning Styles and Modalities
– Certificate of Study in Basic Physical Conditions and Changes
– Certificate of Study in Life Transitions
I abide by the Code of Ethics of the Professional Organizations I belong to.
Helena’s ten years of experience as an international corporate manager and later as a stay-at-home mother of three boys has given her a deep understanding of how an organized space benefits professionals and families.
She believes organization leads to a less stressful, more enjoyable, and prosperous life.
Married to a gynecological oncologist and US Navy officer, Helena understands the needs caused by relocations and the urgency we feel to settle ourselves and our families.
Organization has always been a part of Helena’s lifestyle, and it has helped her achieve both professional success and personal balance. It also allowed her to help family and friends with at-home orderliness.
Helena is a lifelong learner and believes her training through the ICD (The Institute for Challenging Disorganization) and NAPO (National Association of Organizing and Productivity Professionals) gives her a deeper and broader understanding of her clients’ needs.
Her training allows her to work with what works for them to become and stay organized, allowing them to enjoy a better quality of life and thrive.
Helena is enthusiastic, non-judgmental, and passionate about her work. She loves working with people, no matter where they are in life.
Specialist Certificates by the National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals

Specialist Certificates by the Institute For Challenging Disorganization