Bringing School Lunches From Home

If you prepare your kids’ school lunches to send with your little ones in those “super cool” lunch boxes but, like us, you don’t want to worry about it daily, here is a simple list to attach to the inside of your kitchen cabinet or pantry door.

  • On a white sheet of paper, create two columns.
  • One column for the food choices, the other for what to buy.

Fun school lunches ideas and back to school planner.

Having it available takes away the guessing game and makes preparing lunch a lot easier.

It also allows your children to pick what they want, from the choices that are given. Feel free to include options your kids like, since our list still limited to the taste of my kids.

Feel free to include options your kids like, since our list still limited to the taste of my kids.

Most of all, have fun with it!

Here are 5 simple ways to get the children involved in the preparations of school lunches:

  1. Use cookie cutters for your sandwiches,
  2. make funny faces on your snacks to motivate your kids to make healthy choices,
  3. get the kids with you to the supermarket,
  4. create a “lunch” drawer with their goodies and let them help you as much as possible. It fosters independence!
  5. play bingo over dinner as a way to decide what will go in the lunch box for the next day.

And there you have it! 5 fun ways to prepare school lunches from home. What are your favorite ideas?

What are your favorite ideas?

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